
Cocos2D is a platform for creating games.

Hello world

We begin this tutorial with the traditional Hello World program. This program

  • imports the module Cocos2D
  • initializes the module,
  • creates a label,
  • adds this lable to a layer,
  • adds this layer to a scene, and finally
  • runs the scene.

Create a layer

Type this code in a new file:

import cocos

cocos.director.director.init(600, 200)
layer = cocos.layer.ColorLayer(0, 255, 0, 255)
scene = cocos.scene.Scene(layer)

Create a label

Create a Label object and add it to the color layer:

import cocos

cocos.director.director.init(600, 200)

label = cocos.text.Label('Hello World', font_size=72)
layer = cocos.layer.ColorLayer(255, 0, 0, 255)
scene = cocos.scene.Scene(layer)

This is the result:


Create a class

In Cocos2D we normally subclass a Layer to create a new custom layer:

import cocos

# sub-class a layer
class HelloWorld(cocos.layer.ColorLayer):
    """Create a new layer by sub-classing Layer."""

    # define the constructor function
    def __init__(self):
        # call the parent constructor
        super(HelloWorld, self).__init__(127, 127, 0, 255)
        # create a Label object
        label = cocos.text.Label('Hello World', font_size=72)
        # add the label to the layer

cocos.director.director.init(600, 200)
scene = cocos.scene.Scene(HelloWorld())

This is the result:
